Twedt Extended Family | Smith Mountain Lake VA Family Photographer

This is one of the prettiest locations I’ve been to yet, in this private community!

This family has a home at this location and wanted to take their pics there. They said it was a beautiful there and I definitely believe that now. It was such perfect lighting too!

This family was so much fun, as you can tell from the pics below. They cracked me up the whole time! A couple of them made me a bit nervous standing on top of those posts. They was pretty confident that they wouldn’t fall in the lake, right in the middle of our session (haha!!). Though we did have one lose a shoe and he thankfully got it back pretty quick, with the help of his family lowering him down by his ankles! Haha!

These pictures were to celebrate the grandparents 50th wedding anniversary! So, they ended the session with a champagne toast to them. 50 years is DEFINITELY something to celebrate!

I hope to get to photograph this family again, while they are vacationing at Smith Mountain Lake!

They had so much fun. I love it! LOL

Oops! He lost his shoe in the lake!

He just graduated HS. So, they wanted a few “Senior Pics” of him!

I love this one ^ …So cute of these sisters!

A toast for their 50th wedding anniversary!

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June 10, 2024

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